

9400 Sopron, Új utca 23.
Telephone: +36-99-523-816
Fax: +36-99-523-817

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Adatvédelmi tájékoztató

12 + 15 =


If you arrive with a GPS, you should navigate to Templom Street, from where you can enter the historic city center through an electric gate.

Use of electric gate:
Press the button “Hotel Palatinus” to reach us and we can allow you to drive in. Please press the button only once and wait patiently. It takes a few seconds to notice your call on the mobile device at the reception. After the barrier is down, only 1 car can drive through the gate at once. Turn right at the first option, this is Fegyvertár street, which drives you to Orsolya square. You will now be able to recognize the Hotel Palatinus.